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How does the My Meets screen work ?
The My Meets screen shows you all the Meets you have arranged with other tvChix users, and is split into 3 sections. Please see Here for detailed explanation of the three sections.

How do I arrange a meet?

The My Meets feature is not a way of asking people to meet you, but for recording your intention to meet.

You should have already agreed with the user, on a date and time to meet.
You can record your meet using the 'Arrange a Meet' button, on the users profile.

They should then agree to the meet from My Meets, or by registering an identical meet from your profile.

Can I cancel a Meet Ive arranged?

Yes, if you give enough notice.

You should message the user explaining why you are unable to attend, and then cancel it from the My Meets screen.

If there are less than 4 hours before the Meet was due, it is not possible to cancel the Meet, and you will likely be subject to negative feedback from the other person.

Why use the tvChix Meets system? Why not just agree on a date in chat, or message?

We often hear of users arranging meets, and then timewasting or not turning up.
The Meets system can help you protect yourself from this, and also help tvChix to remove persistent timewasters from the site.

We encourage you to always use the Meets system when arranging a date. We are not able to act on complaints of someone being a timewaster, unless the date was first arranged via this feature.

Also, be very wary of a user who refuses to use the Meets system. It can often mean they are not serious about meeting, or there is a good chance they will cancel at short notice.

tvChix bans uses negative feedback to ban members with a consistent track record of timewasting.

In the near future we will also allow you to show positive feedback on your profile, allowing you to demonstrate to other people that you are trustworthy and reliable.

What if I had a genuine reason for being unable to attend a meet?

You should let the other person know in advance, and then cancel the meet from My Meets.
If you do not inform the other person you will not be attending, you will probably receieve negative feedback form the other person.
tvChix will ban users with a pattern of timewasting or negative feedback.

If you are genuine and your 'no-show' really is an exception rather than the norm, then this will be evident to tvChix in your feedback ratings.

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Help on tvChix Features
My Meets
How do I arrange a meet?
How does the My Meets screen work ?
What are the three different sections for?


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