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Proposed meets: A Proposed Meet is when you have recorded a meet with another user, but they have not yet reciprocated. You should view this meet with suspicion, as it may indicate their lack of willingness to attend. If a user does not reciprocate, you can cancel the meet without it affeting your feedback.

Arranged meets: An Arranged Meet is where you have proposed a meet, and the user has reciprocated by recording a meet with you, for the same date and time. At this point, the meet is finalised. You can cancel the meet is you give enough notice, but if you do not turn up, and fail to cancel, you will be subject to negative feedback.

Recent Meets: A recent Meet is a meet which has been cancelled, or the arranged time has now passed.
Once a meet moves into the Rceent Meets section, you can choose to leave feedback on the user, unless the user cancelled the meet with ample warning.

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